2018! Well, Yeah It’s February Now

Hi again folks. A lot of stuff happened, and I can’t find a time to post a “Happy 2018” post properly. So, anyway Happy 2018!

There’s several stuff I want to talk about my projects. Actually, A LOT.

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Oracle of Forgotten Testament 2nd Demo!

We’ve finished a 2nd Demo for Oracle of Forgotten Testament! The demo is actually published on 24 June at Dragon Emperors Tumblr. However, because I was too busy with several things, I’m late on announcing it here and just got time to do it today.

A few notable things added to the demo is: Continue reading

Touhou – Oracle of Forgotten Testament Title Screen

My circle, Great Conspiracy Theory is participate in Comic Frontier 8. To make up for my missing since mid 2016, we’re working harder on our upcoming game, Touhou – Oracle of Forgotten Testament. Currently, there’s only 2 people involved in the development, including myself. Worry not, as my partner is quite strong in his own department. Also, the third comrade is ready to join us to bring this stuff into perfection.

Anyway, a demo made of around 3 or 4 days (yes you read that correctly, 3 or 4 days) are ready to be tested on the event. Let us hope that this project can be finished and not deserted like many other project I’ve involved with.

We’re not going to upload the demo for several weeks due to some technical reasons. I promise that I’ll try to bring the demo into public as fast as I could. Have this title screen for a while instead. 🙂