Project Updates and Plan For 2023

It’s 2023 and somehow it’s March already. Actually, I was planning to do an early and quick update at the start of the year, thus I wrote this some times in January, but somehow I left it as a draft and just pick it up again today, so, yeah, whatever.

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Balloon Icon Offset Script [RMVXA] [RGSS3]

So, I was participating in some game jam, and we are creating a game using RMVXA. We use a nonstandard height for the character sprite and make the balloon icon appears in a weird place. I remembered that I managed to change the offset directly from the script editor, a long time ago, and since it’s a problem that many people might encounter, I thought that someone must have made a public script to change the balloon icon position. Turns out I can’t find such script somehow (high chance they are inside some complex script where I don’t need all of the features). So, here I am, writing the script to change the balloon icon offset.

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2020 and 2021

More than a year has passed since the last post. This time I can freely blame it on COVID-19.

As we all know, the pandemic hit us at the early 2020, and everything just went downhill past that point. It took a long time to adapt and some stuff like policy, law, lockdown, etc are changing constantly. But eventually, we have to cope with it one way or another.

Through this post, I’d like to address some stuff concerning my work and other stuff.

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